In 15+ years that I have known Robin and Andy I am sure a lot has changed...
but I really can't put my finger on it, or give you one thing that I've seen different in either of these two....
...and that's actually a really good thing.
Robin is still the same outgoing, bubbly girl that I met in high school.
Her laugh is simply c o n t a g i o u s.
Go on, look at these photos, if you know her, I bet you can hear her laughter coming out in each and every one...
And Andy, well if you know him, he's still the kind, mellow, smart, level headed boy that I once called my BFITWWW {best friend in the whole wide world}
These two are the ultimate high school sweetheart story.
Met. Fell in love. Married. Traveled. Kid.
And now they're expecting another.
I look forward to illustrating the moments in your life that make up your fairytale book.
PS. Happy 2nd birthday Dane!