To say Im a scheduled type A personality is an understatement. Just ask my husband, family or my best friends.
So when it comes to getting ready for a shoot, I have a very routine sequence of events that I always do.
**all images taken with iphone
Pre-session: send confirmation email about 1 week before session reiterating time, date, location, and session fee. Several reasons why:
1. I hate being asked how much they owe, anything money makes me super uncomfortable, when I put in the session fee in the email people never or rarely ask me. Thats what I like.
2. The second reason is for the obvious, so I make sure I or they don't show up at the wrong place on the wrong date or at the wrong time (this HAS happened to me... I was mortified!)
Day of session prep:
1. In the am put my battery on a charger. Make sure it is fully charged.
2. About 1 hour before the shoot, prepare all props that are going to be taken, place them in the center of the garage so that it will be a hint to the hubs to put them in the truck for me.
3. Make sure my camera and lenses are in my shoot sac
4. Get goodies for the kids- I usually do an array of treats. Some parents don't like candy so I bring organic healthier options like goldfish and Aunt Annies Gummies. I place these in my bag as you can see they are in the right pocket in the above picture.
5. Make sure all my CF cards are clear and are in my shoot sac
6. Brush my teeth. Bad breath is the worst and I dont want to be that guy.... or girl I should say.
7. Add a little makeup. Some eyeliner and mascara usually. Simple but clean.
8. Add a little perfume. Don't. Get. In. Mouth. I will have to do step 6 again.
After this is done and my truck is so nicely packed (he usually always get the hint, thanks Wes) I load my camera and bag in the car, make sure I have my phone, give see you later kisses and off I go. I do one more camera and lens check on the way there cause thats how paranoid I am of leaving it home. (again has happened to me)
It's a little religious, some people would say OCD, but I say it's my fool proof steps to a great session.
Next up.... what is done after the session.... and you thought this was over the top. Ha!
xo, C.
Love this! You are awesome!!