Thursday, March 7, 2013

Finn turns 5!

Finn.... ahhh... my Finny. My first born. My only son. My first baby. My Finneus.

I cannot believe you are five. FIVE. That seems so old.
I remember when we brought you home a whole 6 pounds and 3 weeks early.
You cried not for hours, not for days, not for weeks.... for months...damn you colic
And in that moment, I remember thinking that I couldn't wait till you were older, till you were around 5.
So the time has come. My biggest baby boy you are now 5 and oh how I wish you weren't.
I am not sure how you got so big so fast but I feel like you get older exponentially faster as the years go on.

If I could I would keep you at this age forever. You are perfection.
Finny, I love you more than anything, ANYTHING in the world.
You are my most special little man.
I so love you at four. So please make me these promises as you enter 5.

Promise me when you are are 5 that you will still poke me on the shoulder in the middle of the night and ask to cuddle...
That you will still play with my hair while we watch tv and kiss me on the shoulder...
That you will think that I am the most fun mama in the world.
Promise me to always run to me when you are sad or hurt... no matter what...
That you will whisper "You're beautiful" into my ear...
And that you will say as I tuck you into bed "I'll see you in the morning and the middle of the night mama... I love you and you're the best mom"

I surely hope so.
I hope you always do. At 5, at 10, at 20, at 50 no matter what age I want you to keep your innocence that defines you at this age.

I love love love love you to edge of space and beyond.
Xo, Mama.

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